We're Launching the Week of April 10th!

Hey outdoor enthusiasts! The Garden Club with Kae will start releasing content Monday, April 10th. Join now to get a headstart on how to move your way around the club, so when the content drops you'll be ready to dive right in! I can't wait to get growing with you, see you soon!!!!

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Welcome to My Online Outdoor Gardening & Landscaping Club

Let's create the outdoor experiences of your dreams

Hi, I'm Kae, one enthusiastic homeowner that LOVES to be outside. 

For the past year, I've been documenting my journey of turning my newly built house into a home, and one of my favorite places to be is outside. 

For months I've been sharing my outside journey, answering so many questions from my viewers and community that I decided to create a place where we, as outside lovers, could all come together, and I could guide you through the process of creating your very own edible outside oasis. 

Here's What You'll Learn in Kae's Gardening Club

  • Gardening Basics

    Knowing the basics goes a long way in the garden. I'll teach you how to create a solid gardening strategy before you ever put a whole in the ground to help you avoid costly mistakes.

  • Landscape Planning & Budgeting

    If you're not careful, landscaping and gardening can quickly get expensive. I'll teach you how to plan for your garden and outdoor design spaces so it doesn't break the bank.

  • Exterior Design Skills

    Your outdoor living area(s) should be an experience just like the inside of your home, I'll teach you the design techniques I use that help me create the living areas in my yard that meet my goals and help me make the most out of my space.

This club is for you if....

You're an outdoor enthusiast but you don't know where to start. Maybe you want to grow a garden to replace what you have to buy at the grocery store, or you want to design a landscape that gives you all the feels. Either way, I'll teach you everything I know about how to design an outdoor space that entertains, soothes, provides year-round interests, feeds your family and so much more.

Here's What You Get...

When you join my outdoor gardening and design club you'll get access to a slew of tools and resources to help you apply what you've learned. Here's a look a few you'll gain access to.

  • Themed seasonal, step by step, weekly training to help you accomplish a gardening and/or design skill in your yard.

  • Monthly live group calls where you can ask me any questions you may have or get feedback about the progress you're making in your yard.

  • Checklists or resource lists to help you apply what you're learning quicker and easier

  • A community of other gardeners to bounce ideas off of and share your wins.

Why I Started the Gardening Club

For as long as I can remember I've always been a lover of gardening. I remember trips to the nursery with my aunt and grandmother to pick out the season's plants and spending so much time outside making our yards not only look pretty but also provide nourishment for our families. The memories I have from gardening as a kid are so vivid even now in my life that I can almost smell what that felt like from all those years ago.

I say all of that to say, that gardening is and has been a part of me since I can remember, and I create those memories with my family daily even now.

There's something special about the nostalgia and comfort that gardening and the outdoors bring me, and I want to help as many people that want to experience those types of feelings do so even if they don't know where to start.


Some answers to the questions you might have...

  • If I join, am I committed to a contract?

    No, this is a month-to-month club that you can cancel at any time. It's my hope that this club provides you with the information that you'll need, but should you find it's not a good fit, you'll be able to login to your account and cancel at any time.

  • What happens if I can't make it to the live calls?

    If you're unable to make it to the live calls the replay will be available in your member's portal within 24 hours. I'm going to post a thread for those that may not be able to make it live to submit questions so I can answer them during the call. Of course, it goes without saying that live interaction is much better, but if you can't make it, it's completely ok and you'll have an opportunity to ask follow-up questions should you have them after the call.

  • Will you be teaching about individual plant species?

    Yes, and No. So this club is to teach you how to plan and execute the plan for your garden which in some cases will require an understanding of which plants would be appropriate and why. Now with that being said, I may make recommendations based on what may come up in our discussions, and questions that may arise for a growing zone or something like that, but my plan at this point is not to make this botany class to teach about plants individually but instead to teach about plants as they relate to the strategy you're trying to put in place for your outdoor strategies.

  • What will we learn when outdoor gardening season is over?

    Don't worry, when the outdoor planting and enjoyment season is over, there's still plenty to do. We'll enjoy topics like indoor gardening and bringing the outdoors in with house plants, overwintering cold-sensitive plants, we'll be talking about planning next year's beds, hydro-gardening and so much more. It's a year-long party friend, we'll have plenty to do!

  • Do you offer design services?

    Individual design service requests will be handled on an individual basis. Paid consultations are available for those that think they may need a more personalized approach and can be scheduled via individual requests.

Join My Gardening Community Today!

Get access to a growing group of outside lovers and learn how to create your the outside oasis you've been dreaming of.